Prioritizing Product Feedback from TigerConnect Community

  • 14 September 2022
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Prioritizing Product Feedback from TigerConnect Community
  • Anonymous
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Prioritizing Product Feedback from TigerConnect Community


We are very appreciative of your feedback!  

Customer feedback is an important input to our innovation planning.  So much so, we are updating how feedback is submitted and reviewed by our internal teams. 

We are introducing a new area of the Community called the Ideas Forum.  This Forum will be used to collect your ideas, enable you to vote on ideas submitted by others, and see an updated status from our internal reviews. This will help all of our customers know which ideas have made the cut to be added to our Innovation Roadmap.

Of course, we can't act on every suggestion and idea, but we do our best to listen and understand your needs, understand if others have a similar need through upvoting, and prioritize new development and feature releases that align to our strategic vision and will meet the needs of many customers.

Collectively, our Community, Product Marketing and Product Management teams will meet on a monthly basis to review and status submitted ideas so please, keep them coming! Once we’ve reviewed an Idea, you’ll see a status next to it, these are called Idea Statuses and they are listed below:

  1. NEW: Default status for all new posts.

  2. OPEN FOR VOTING: Idea is open to other community members for voting. You may be contacted for more information.

  3. PLANNED: The Idea has been accepted and will be added to the roadmap for a future release in either H1 or H2 of the calendar year depending on time/effort to create. 

  4. NOT PLANNED: Your idea suggestion will not be added to the roadmap at this time.

  5. IMPLEMENTED: Your idea has been built and is now available!

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